2018 Events
December: The Great Scott Lab Christmas Cookie Bake Off
All the lab members brought their favorite Christmas cookie recipe and we had a bake-off with the proceeds (after tasting!) going to our collaborators and the staff people who support our research all year long.
November: Aaron Bart talk in Structural Biology Series
Scott lab graduate student Aaron Bart gave a wonderful talk on his recent structural work in the UM Structural Biology series on Nov. 16. This included structures of CYP1A1 interactions with the grapefruit juice compound bergamottin (oxidized to nontoxic metabolites), the cancer drug erlotinib (oxidized to toxic metabolites), and durocarmycins in development for cancer treatment (prodrugs tissue specifically activated by CYP1A1 to active form).
November: Postdoc Simone Brixius-Anderko awarded AHA Fellowship
Scott lab postdoc Simone Brixius-Anderko was awarded a two-year fellowship from the American Heart Association for her proposal titled, "Understanding aldosterone biosynthesis for the treatment of hypertension". Read the College of Pharmacy article about this award here. Congratulations Simone!
October: Dr. Liz Gillam visits Scott lab over Halloween
University of Queensland Professor Liz Gillam's
visit to the Scott lab happened to occur over Halloween so we took the opportunity to integrate some silliness into our group photo and to have a lab party featuring pumpkin carving. It was the first pumpkin carving for at least six of our members!
On the serious side, Dr. Gilliam gave a great talk titled "Gains and losses over ~450 million years of evolution of the vertebrate, xenobiotic-metabolizing P450s" featuring some of their very exciting work on ancestral P450 enzymes, some of which you can read about in their recent publication here.
On the serious side, Dr. Gilliam gave a great talk titled "Gains and losses over ~450 million years of evolution of the vertebrate, xenobiotic-metabolizing P450s" featuring some of their very exciting work on ancestral P450 enzymes, some of which you can read about in their recent publication here.
October: Simone presents seminar
Scott lab postdoctoral fellow Simone Brixius-Anderko gave a seminar describing her new structure of CYP11B1 and corresponding functional work at the UM Center for Structural Biology Seminar Series on October 19.
October: Postdoc Simone wins poster prize
Scott lab postdoc Simone Brixius-Anderko presented her work at the Southeast Michigan Postdoctoral Symposium. Her 3-minute speed talk and poster focused on her work on the structure and function of CYP11B enzymes. Her poster won the second place award. Congratulations Simone!
September: Aaron's 2017 P450/b5 interactions paper selected for JBC special virtual issue
Graduate student Aaron Bart's 2017 JBC paper using NMR to map the interactions of important drug-metabolizing P450 enzymes with cytochrome b5 was selected for inclusion in a special virtual issue on "Drug metabolism, transport, and toxicity".
September: Bart paper on new CYP1A1 structures selected as JBC Editors' Pick
Graduate student Aaron Bart (Biophysics) recently published two new structures of human CYP1A1 with the grapefruit juice compound bergamottin and the cancer drug erlotinib in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. This paper was selected as one of JBC's Editors' Pick. This places Aaron's paper in the top 2% of JBC manuscripts. Aaron's author profile is here. Congratulations Aaron!
September: REU student Laura Sanchez presents research at home university
Undergraduate Laura Sanchez recently presented the results of her summer research in the Scott lab at the weekly science seminar at her home institution, Monmouth College in Illinois. Laura was a 2018 student in the University of Michigan NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program focusing on Structure and Function of Proteins.
September: Malika paper highlighted on DMD webpage
Postdoc Malika Godamudunage's recent paper comparing the interactions of adult CYP3A4 and fetal CYP3A7 with azoles was highlighted on the Drug Metabolism and Disposition website. For a limited time, download a free copy of the paper here.
September: Postdoc Nicole Motl wins Dziewiatkowski Dissertation Award
Scott lab postdoc Nicole Motl just won the the Dziewiatkowski Award for her previous research in the Bannerjee lab. This award is given by UM Department of Biological Chemistry for the student with the most outstanding Ph.D. dissertation during the previous academic year. It is given in memory of the late faculty member Professor Dominic D. (Jay) Dziewiatkowski. Congratulations Nicole!
September: Book is out summarizing human P450 structures
The book Dioxygen-dependent Heme Proteins is out! This book includes the chapter "Structures of Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: Variations on a Theme" written with postdoc Malika Godamudunage. Edited by Masao Ikeda-Saito and Emma Raven and published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this book is available from the Publisher and on Amazon.
August: Award for Graduate Student Sarah Burris
Scott lab graduate student Sarah Burris was recently awarded a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant. Congratulations Sarah!
August: REU Student Laura Sanchez finishes the Summer in the Scott Lab
Laura Sanchez, REU student in the College of Pharmacy NSF-funded REU program focusing on Structure and Function of Proteins, recently finished out her summer research experience. Working with postdoc Simone Brixius-Anderko, she expressed and purified CYP3A5 and a CYP11B1 fusion protein, developing a nice set of technical skills along the way. We'll miss Laura but wish her all the best back at her senior year at Monmouth College!
August: Scott Lab Group Summer Discussion Book
This summer the Scott lab selected "Next Gen Ph.D." as our summer reading book. Discussions on the various chapters were useful in identifying our skills, interests, and values that should direct career paths, identifying transferable skills useful in a broad range of career paths, and practicing our interviewing and job-seeking skills. Overall, a highly useful read that prompted lots of great discussions within our group and a book we'd highly recommended for anyone considering graduate school and/or a postdoctoral position.
July: Scott lab summer party
The Scott lab took an evening out from a busy summer to celebrate Rahul's recent paper, as well as to say goodbye to chem bio rotation student Alaina Richard and REU summer student Laura Sanchez. We enjoyed lovely evening weather at the Scott house, a potluck highlighted by lots of delicious (!) food, and great times with family and friends. And of course some competitive badminton!
July: Sarah passes candidacy exam
Medicinal Chemistry graduate student passed her candidacy exam and is heading into full-time research on her project as she goes into her third year. Congratulations Sarah!
May: Welcome new REU and rotation students
Laura Sanchez is an undergraduate at Monmouth College in Illinois, participating in the University of Michigan, NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates program in the Structure and Function of Proteins. She will be working with postdoctoral fellow Simone Brixius Anderko on CYP3A5 and CYP11B proteins. Alaina Richard is a first year graduate student in the University of Michigan Program in Chemical Biology who will be learning about a broad range of human P450 enzymes and a diverse set of techniques during her summer rotation. Welcome Laura and Alaina!
May: Former Scott Lab Postdoc Fernando Estrada Highlighted in ASBMB Today
Recent Scott lab postdoc and current assistant professor Fernando Estrada was highlighted in the May issue of ASBMB Today. Fernando talks about his journey from being the child of immigrants to community college in Dodge City, KS to Army officer to University of Buffalo faculty. A long but successful journey! Read the article here.
May: Scott Lab attends Great Lakes Drug Metabolism Discussion Meeting
A full complement of the Scott Lab attended the 2018 Great Lakes Drug Metabolism Discussion Group Meeting in Indianapolis. Rahul, Malika, Simone, and Aaron presented posters that were all well attended. The speakers were excellent throughout, though Annie, Christina, and Dr. Scott missed a couple while stuck on the Sheraton elevator until firefighters arrived--an, um, memorable experience? Conference dinner with remarks by our Program Officer Dick Okita and a tour of the Eli Lilly HQ rounded out the trip.
May: Postdoc Nicole Motl Joins Scott Lab
Nicole Motl earned her Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Michigan. Her dissertation work, titled "Structural Enzymology of Sulfide Oxidation by Persulfide Dioxygenase and Rhodanese", was accomplished in the lab of UM colleague Dr. Ruma Banerjee. Nicole joined the Scott lab to add to her initial training in X-ray crystallography. Welcome Nicole!
April: Postdoc Simone attends SSRL RapiData workshop
Postdoctoral fellow Simone Brixius-Anderko attended the 2018 RapidData course in X-ray Diffraction Data Collection and Structure Solution. Although it may not look like it to outsiders, SSRL is a "scientific wonderland" that makes all of our membrane P450 structures possible. And it's run by the most wonderful researchers and support staff!
April: Grad student Aaron Bart Wins Poster Competition
Third year graduate student Aaron Bart won first place in the poster competition for the Drug Metabolism and Disposition Division of ASPET at Experimental Biology. This was Aaron's second year in a row winning this award, this year with an entirely new project focused on CYP1A1 structures with new ligands.
April: Collaborator Klaus Pors visits the Scott Lab
Klaus Pors, from the Institute of Cancer Therapeutics at the University of Bradford, visited the Scott Lab to give an exciting seminar and research update focused on our duocarmycin collaboration. Duocarmycin natural products are ultrapotent anticancer compounds that can be activated by some tissue-specific cytochrome P450 enzymes.
Left to right, Rahul Yadav, Klaus Pors, Aaron Bart, Emily Scott, Malika Godamudunage, Simone Brixius-Anderko, Chris Ohmer, Christina Howard, Sarah Burris
Left to right, Rahul Yadav, Klaus Pors, Aaron Bart, Emily Scott, Malika Godamudunage, Simone Brixius-Anderko, Chris Ohmer, Christina Howard, Sarah Burris
April: Simone and Rahul Learning to Collect X-ray Data
Postdoctoral fellows Simone Brixius-Anderko and Rahul Yadav recently learned how to collect X-ray data remotely at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL). The facilities and staff at SSRL are critical resources for our crystallographic projects.
April: X-ray Crystallography Theory
The Scott lab just finished reading and discussing Alexander McPherson's "Introduction to Macromolecular Crystallography" over this academic year. From crystal symmetry to data collection to phasing methods, this book is highly recommended for presenting a treatment of the subject that readers at all levels are likely to learn from.
March: Former undergrad Cara Davis wins Goldwater Scholar and INBRE Star Trainee
Undergraduate Cara Davis learned recombinant protein expression and purification in the Scott lab mentored by postdoc Aggi Walsh and graduate student Aaron Bart. After the lab moved from the Univeristy of Kansas, Cara continued working on protein structure and function in the lab of Dr. Audrey Lamb. We're all thrilled that she has been recognized with the Goldwater Award and being selected as an INBRE Star Trainee. Cara says "I aspire to earn a Ph.D. in biophysics and research protein structure and dynamics at a university."
March: Scott Lab Celebrates Pi Day
The Scott lab celebrated pi day with pies from the (regionally famous) Grand Traverse Pie Company and Simone's Mississippi mud pie with friends from the (Peter) Scott lab, the Auchus lab, and Pharmacy staff who help us out all year long. Happy Pi Day!
March: Seminar from Postdoc Malika Godamudunage
Scott lab postdoctoral fellow Malika Godamudunage was invited to present her recent work on structure and function of CYP3A4 and CYP3A7 enzymes at the UM Structural Biology Seminar Series.
February: Undergrad Annie Grech Awarded Merck Internship
Senior Biochemistry major and Scott lab member Annie Grech was selected for a summer internship at Merck this summer. She'll spend 10 weeks working on crystallization and structural biology of membrane proteins, building on her work here crystallizing CYP3A4 and CYP3A7 with postdoc Malika Godamudunage. Contratulations Annie!
February: Postdoc Rahul Yadav Seminar
Scott lab postdoctoral fellow Rahul Yadav was invited to speak at the UM Structural Biology Seminar Series.