2011 Events
December: Lab Party
A party at Dr. Scott's house to celebrate many recent achievements by lab members including recent papers, graduate school and Pharmacy school applications, and research awards.
December: Research Award
Lindsay Astleford was awarded an Undergraduate Research Award of $1000 for Jan-June 2012.
November: University of Kansas Cancer Center Annual Research Symposium
Lab members presented their research at The University of Kansas Cancer Center Annual Research Symposium in Kansas City, MO.
Linda Blake's poster "Lung Cancer Chemoprevention: Selective Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2A13"
Eva Stephen's poster "Selectivity of Cytochrome P450 2A6 Inhibitors versus Cytochrome P450 2A13"
Elyse Petrunak and Charlie Fehl's poster "Rational Design of Cytochrome P450 17A1 Inhibitors to Treat Prostate Cancer"
Natasha DeVore's poster "Structure of human cytochrome P450 17A1, a key enzyme in androgen biosynthesis and target for prostate cancer therapy" won the 3rd place poster award, $300 towards travel to a meeting.
October: GRASP-NMR
Fernando Estrada describes his work with Andi Skinner in a poster titled titled "2D Solution NMR Studies of a Human Cytochrome P450 Enzyme" at the 5th Great Plains Regional Annual Symposium on Protein and Biomolecular NMR (GRASP-NMR) Meeting in Lawrence, KS.
September: Annual COBRE External Advisory Committee Meeting
Natasha DeVore presents poster "Structures of human cytochrome P450 17A1, an important enzyme in androgen biosynthesis and target for prostate cancer therapy."
August: Annual Scott Lab Retreat, this year on the Gasconade River
August: Andi Skinner Enters Private Sector
Andi Skinner accepts a new job as at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.
July: Undergraduate Research Symposium
Aaron and Michelle present at the KU Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium.
June: DeVore wins the Ruckpaul Award
Natasha DeVore wins the FEBS J. Klaus Ruckpaul Poster Award at the 17th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 Natasha received her award from Tsuneo Omura. Omura and Sato first characterized cytochrome P450 enzymes as cytochromes in 1964.
May: DeVore Graduates with Ph.D.
Natasha DeVore successfully received her Ph.D. degree from the KU Department of Molecular Biosciences. Congratulations Natasha!
May: Andi Presents at PEGS Conference
Andi Skinner attended the 7th annual PEGS (protein engineering summit) conference in Boston and presented her poster titled "Generation of Human Cytochrome P450 Suitable for High-Resolution Solution NMR Analysis of Ligand Binding".
April: Linda and Eva Present at the MIKI Conference
Linda Blake and Eva Stephens presented posters at the 49th annual MIKI conference, held in Lawrence, KS for the Medicinal Chemistry Departments of Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, and Illinois-Chicago. Eva's poster was titled "Selectivity of Cytochrome P450 2A6 Inhibitors versus Cytochrome P450 2A13". Linda's poster was titled "Lung cancer chemoprevention: Selective inhibition of cytochrome P450 2A13".
April: Dr. Scott Awarded Early Career Achievement Award
Emily Scott was awarded the Early Career Achievement Award from the Drug Metabolism Division of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and gave an award lecture at Experimental Biology titled "(CYP)2B or not 2B: That is the Question".
April: DeVore Defends Ph.D. Research
Natasha DeVore successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation titled "Structure and function of human cytochrome P450 enzymes: Xenobiotic metabolism by CYP2A and steroid biosynthesis by CYP17A1"
March: DeVore Wins Award for Poster
Natasha DeVore won a $250 award for her poster at the KU Graduate Research Symposium in the Kansas Union.
February: Blake Speaks at KU Medical Center
Linda Blake gave an invited research seminar at KU Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology titled "Lung Cancer Chemoprevention: Selective Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 2A13"
February: Bart Receives KINBRE Research Scholarship
Aaron Bart received a 2011 undergraduate research scholarship through the Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence program (KINBRE). This fellowship supports Aaron’s work on human phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase for the Spring and Summer semesters of 2011.
January: Blake Talk Airs to Kansas High Schools
Linda Blake represented KU research in a series called "Lunch at the Lab with Kansas Bio" aired to high schools across Kansas as part of the BioGENEius Challenge. Her talk was titled "Reducing Lung Cancer in Smokers".
January: Volunteering New Year's Day at LINK Kitchen
The Scott lab serves ~175 lunches at LINK, a local nonprofit organization serving hot meals to the hungry.
Dueling salad preparations
Linda and Matt work drinks and the counter
No job is finished without the cleanup and these guys have it down.