2008 Events
October - International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
Kathy Meneely presents a poster at the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics in San Diego, CA.
September - Natasha M.S. Defense
Natasha DeVore successfully defends her Master's thesis research titled "The Human Cytochrome P450 2A Family: Functional Comparisons and Identification of Amino Acids Essential for Substrate Recognition".
July - Microsomes and Drug Oxidations Meeting
Kathy Meneely presents a poster at the Microsomes and Drug Oxidations Meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY.
July - Lab Canoe Trip
Scott lab summer 2008 canoe trip (left to right): Dr. Scott and Hazel Scott; Matt and Natasha DeVore (with Romulus); Kathy, Lexi, and Anthony Meneely; Patrick and Michelle Porubsky; Linda Blake; and Summer Amundsen.
May - Southwest P450
Patrick Porubsky presents the first structures of human cytochrome P450 2E1 in a talk at the 7th Southwest P450 Meeting in Navasota, TX.
April - MIKI and Experimental Biology Meetings
Melanie Blevins both successfully defends her Master's thesis and presents a talk describing her work at the MIKI meeting at the University of Iowa.
Natasha DeVore's poster "Identification of active site residues essential for the metabolism of acetaminophen in human 2A cytochromes P450" was also selected for a talk at Experimental Biology 2008. This poster also won a poster award two weeks later at the 46th Annual Medicinal Chemistry Meeting-in-Miniature (MIKI).